Points breakdown
90 / 100
on Dec. 18, 2024, 8:13 p.m.
weighted 86% (39pp)
100 / 100
on Aug. 22, 2023, 3:33 p.m.
weighted 66% (27pp)
Authored problems (9)
Problem | Category | Points |
BPC 1 J4 - Assignment of the Year | Uncategorized | 10p |
BPC 1 J5 - Set | Uncategorized | 10 |
BPC 1 S1 - Homework Questions | Uncategorized | 5 |
BPC 1 S2 - Train Commute | Uncategorized | 12p |
BPC 1 S3 - Bus Stops | Uncategorized | 17p |
BPC 1 S4 - Binary Matrices | Uncategorized | 25p |
BPC 1 S5 - Temple | Uncategorized | 25p |
BPC 1 S6 - Painters | Uncategorized | 30p |
A Math Contest P10 - Tricky Multisets | Uncategorized | 12 |
AAC (451.500 points)
ACC (175 points)
APIO (308.700 points)
Balkan OI (30 points)
Problem | Score |
Balkan OI '11 P1 - Two Circles | 30 / 30 |
Baltic OI (328 points)
BlueBook (3 points)
Problem | Score |
BlueBook - Min | 3 / 3 |
Bubble Cup (65 points)
Problem | Score |
Bubble Cup V8 D Tablecity | 10 / 10 |
Bubble Cup V9 A Cowboy Beblop at his computer | 35 / 35 |
Bubble Cup V9 B Underfail | 20 / 20 |
Bulgarian OI (12 points)
Problem | Score |
Bulgarian OI '09 P2 - Boxen | 12 / 12 |
CCC (1295 points)
CCO (1708.400 points)
CEOI (95 points)
China NOI (2750.500 points)
Classics (61 points)
Problem | Score |
2-Dimensional Range Minimum Query | 17 / 17 |
Sorting | 3 / 3 |
Next Prime | 5 / 5 |
HopScotch II | 12 / 12 |
Modular Multiplicative Inverse | 7 / 7 |
Quine | 10 / 10 |
Single Source Shortest Path | 7 / 7 |
COCI (1856.504 points)
CSPC (7 points)
Problem | Score |
CSPC '15 #6 - Attendance | 7 / 7 |
CTF (3 points)
Problem | Score |
DMOJ Capture The Flag '20 G1 - Sanity Check | 3 / 3 |
Data Structure Tests (77 points)
Problem | Score |
Binary Indexed Tree Test | 10 / 10 |
Disjoint Set Test | 10 / 10 |
Segment Tree Test | 15 / 15 |
Dynamic Tree Test (Easy) | 25 / 25 |
Strict Evaluation | 17 / 17 |
DMOPC (2241.200 points)
DWITE (27 points)
Problem | Score |
DWITE '06 R5 #4 - Connect-4 | 7 / 7 |
DWITE '08 R2 #3 - My drink is made of cubes | 5 / 5 |
DWITE '10 R3 #3 - Dominos Tiling | 10 / 10 |
DWITE '12 R5 #4 - Fencing Problems | 5 / 5 |
ECOO (70 points)
EGOI (193 points)
FHC (50 points)
Problem | Score |
Facebook Hacker Cup '15 Round 2 P1 - Lazy Sort | 10 / 10 |
Facebook Hacker Cup '19 Final Round P6 - Temporal Revision | 40 / 40 |
GFSSOC (42 points)
Problem | Score |
GFSSOC '15 Fall J5 - Nightmare-a-thon | 10 / 10 |
GFSSOC '15 Fall S3 - System(0); | 10 / 10 |
GFSSOC '15 Fall S4 - Mostly Talking | 15 / 15 |
GFSSOC '15 Winter S3 - PalinDrone | 7 / 7 |
Google Code Jam (38.600 points)
ICPC (150 points)
IOI (2706.319 points)
JOI (188.800 points)
Mock CCC (599 points)
Mock CCO (195.750 points)
MWC (5 points)
Problem | Score |
MWC '15 #5 P3: French Words | 5 / 5 |
Olympiads School (460.200 points)
SAC Coding Challenge (207 points)
Seasonal (454.810 points)
SIUCF (10 points)
Problem | Score |
Summer Institute '17 Contest 1 P2 - Bernard | 10 / 10 |
TLE (180 points)
TSOC (5 points)
Problem | Score |
TSOC '15 Contest 1 #3 - Elevators | 5 / 5 |
Uncategorized (3270.950 points)
VM7WC (49 points)
WAC (290.250 points)
Waterloo Local (7 points)
Problem | Score |
Waterloo 2001 Winter D - Division | 7 / 7 |