IOI '07 - Zagreb, Croatia
In 1964 a catastrophic flood struck the city of Zagreb. Many buildings were completely destroyed when the water struck their walls. In this task, you are given a simplified model of the city before the flood and you should determine which of the walls are left intact after the flood.
The model consists of
- No two walls intersect or overlap, but they may touch at endpoints;
- Each wall is parallel to either the horizontal or the vertical coordinate axis.
Initially, the entire coordinate plane is dry. At time zero, water instantly floods the exterior (the space not bounded by walls). After exactly one hour, every wall with water on one side and air on the other breaks under the pressure of water. Water then floods the new area not bounded by any standing walls. Now, there may be new walls having water on one side and air on the other. After another hour, these walls also break down and water floods further. This procedure repeats until water has flooded the entire area.
An example of the process is shown in the following figure.

The state at time zero. Shaded cells represent the flooded area, while white cells represent dry area (air).

The state after one hour.

The state after two hours. Water has flooded the entire area and the
Write a program that, given the coordinates of the
Input Specification
The first line of input contains an integer
Each of the following
The following line contains an integer
Each of the following
Output Specification
The first line of output should contain a single integer
The following
In test cases worth a total of
In those same cases, and cases worth another
Sample Input
1 1
8 1
4 2
7 2
2 3
4 3
6 3
2 5
4 5
6 5
4 6
7 6
1 8
4 8
8 8
1 2
2 15
15 14
14 13
13 1
14 11
11 12
12 4
4 3
3 6
6 5
5 8
8 9
9 11
9 10
10 7
7 6
Sample Output
This example corresponds to the figure above.