BlueBook - Min

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Points: 3
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 16M

Problem type

Find the minimum in a list of real numbers.

Input Specification

The first line contains an integer N (1 \le N \le 10\,000). Each of the following N lines contains one real number x_i (-1\,000 < x_i < 1\,000), with at most two digits after the decimal.

Output Specification

The minimum of the N real numbers given, rounded to two decimal places.

Sample Input


Sample Output



  • -2
    jaywang  commented on Nov. 19, 2022, 4:54 p.m.

    weak cases

  • -4
    Pranav  commented on Nov. 17, 2020, 3:56 a.m.

    What is the motive of the problem

    • 2
      Tommy_Shan  commented on Sept. 16, 2021, 12:44 a.m.

      Find the minimum in a list of real numbers.