1356 problems solved
Rank by points: #113
Total points:
23 contests written
Rank by rating: #1127
Rating: 1724
Min. rating: 501
Max rating: 1739
From Olympiads School, Richmond Hill H.S., STEM Yard
Range | Time Complexity |
~n \leq 10~ | ~\mathcal{O}(n!)~ |
~n \leq 20~ | ~\mathcal{O}(2^{n})~ |
~n \leq 50~ | ~\mathcal{O}(n^{5})~ |
~n \leq 100~ | ~\mathcal{O}(n^{4})~ |
~n \leq 500~ | ~\mathcal{O}(n^{3})~ |
~n \leq 3000~ | ~\mathcal{O}(n^{2}\cdot \log{n})~ |
~n \leq 5000~ | ~\mathcal{O}(n^{2})~ |
~n \leq 10^{5}~ | ~\mathcal{O}(n\cdot \log{n}) \sim \mathcal{O}(n\cdot \sqrt{n})~ |
~n \leq 10^{6}~ | ~\mathcal{O}(n\cdot \log{n}) \sim \mathcal{O}(n)~ |
~n \leq 10^{12}~ | ~\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{n})~ |
~n \leq 10^{18}~ | ~\mathcal{O}(\log{n})~ |
Type | Range | Memory (Byte) |
~\texttt{char}~ | ~-127~ to ~127~ or ~0~ to ~255~ | ~1 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~\texttt{bool}~ | ~\texttt{true}~ or ~\texttt{false}~ | ~1 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~\texttt{short int}~ | ~-32768~ to ~32767~ | ~2 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~\texttt{unsigned short int}~ | ~0~ to ~65535~ | ~2 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~\texttt{wchar_t}~ | ~1 \ \texttt{wide character}~ | ~2 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~\texttt{int}~ | ~-2147483648~ to ~2147483647~ | ~4 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~\texttt{unsigned int}~ | ~0~ to ~4294967295~ | ~4 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~\texttt{float}~ | ~6 \ \texttt{decimal digits precision}~ | ~4 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~\texttt{long int}~ | ~-2147483648~ to ~2147483647~ | ~8 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~\texttt{unsigned long int}~ | ~0~ to ~4294967295~ | ~8 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~\texttt{long long int}~ | ~-2^{63}~ to ~2^{63}-1~ | ~8 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~\texttt{unsigned long long int}~ | ~0~ to ~2^{64}-1~ | ~8 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~\texttt{double}~ | ~15 \ \texttt{decimal digits precision}~ | ~8 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~\texttt{long double}~ | ~18 \ \texttt{decimal digits precision}~ | ~12 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
Memory Unit | Byte |
~1 \ \texttt{KB}~ | ~1024 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~1 \ \texttt{MB}~ | ~1048576 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
~1 \ \texttt{GB}~ | ~1073741824 \ \texttt{byte}~ |
Approximate the memory used for an array: ~\frac{\texttt{total number of cells} \ \times \ \texttt{data type memory in byte}}{10^6}~.
Rating history
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