Canadian Computing Competition: 2005 Stage 1, Senior #4
Spamway Inc. maintains a network of zombie computers to solicit and collect orders for its various fine products. Each zombie computer is responsible for zero or more subordinate zombies that it coordinates in these activities.
Spamway uses a simple communication strategy among its zombies for transmitting solicitations and receiving orders. Each solicitation originates at Spamway's head zombie, which then communicates it to each of its subordinates in turn, waiting to collect orders from one subordinate before proceeding to the next. Each subordinate employs the same strategy - it sends to and receives from each of its subordinates in turn.
For example, suppose that Home has two subordinate zombies named Alfred and Betty; Alfred's subordinates are named Cindy and Dennis; Betty has no subordinates. This organization is pictured below.
/ \
Home Dennis
Home first sends to Alfred; Alfred then sends to Cindy; Cindy responds to Alfred; Alfred sends to Dennis; Dennis responds to Alfred; Alfred responds to Home; Home sends to Betty; Betty responds to Home.
Each message takes
Spamway's network administrator has captured a chronological list of the name of the recipient of each message involved in a particular solicitation. For the example above, using the slow strategy, this list would be: Alfred, Cindy, Alfred, Dennis, Alfred, Home, Betty, Home. (Note that
Using the new and improved strategy, Home sends to Alfred and Betty simultaneously, Alfred sends to Cindy and Dennis at the same time as Betty is responding, Cindy and Dennis respond simultaneously to Alfred and finally Alfred responds to Home. Using the new strategy, Spamway needs only
Input Specification
As input, you are given lists of names describing the order that messages are received using the old Spamway strategy. The input contains the integer
Output Specification
For each list you are to print out a single integer indicating the amount of time in seconds that Spamway saves.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Wow I really didn't read the input specification carefully...
Always read the output specification.... Had a working solution but didn't do subtraction lol
Nevermind, the question requires output for multiple lists, eliminating the need for more testcases.
What are the limits on
It might be helpful to clarify that the root node will not always be named "Home", even though this is never confirmed nor denied in the problem statement.
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It's not even "home" nor "Home" for the last two cases. Don't waste time like me, who tried to change all uppercase letters to lowercase.
saw your comment after debugging hopelessly... feels bad :(