NOI '05 P2 - Maintaining a Sequence

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Points: 30 (partial)
Time limit: 0.6s
Memory limit: 64M

Problem type
National Olympiad in Informatics, China, 2005

Please write a program that maintains a sequence, supporting the following 6 operations:

Operation Input Format Description
1. Insert INSERT posi tot c1 c2 ... ctot After the posi-th number in the current sequence, insert a total of tot numbers: c_1, c_2, \dots, c_{tot}. Insertion to the beginning of the sequence will have posi equal to 0.
2. Delete DELETE posi tot Starting at the posi-th number in the current sequence, delete a total of tot consecutive numbers.
3. Modify MAKE-SAME posi tot c Starting at the posi-th number in the current sequence, change all the values of tot consecutive numbers to c.
4. Reverse REVERSE posi tot Starting at the posi-th number in the current sequence, reverse the order of tot consecutive numbers.
5. Get Sum GET-SUM posi tot Starting at the posi-th number in the current sequence, output the sum of tot consecutive numbers. Note that tot = 0 is possible, in which case you should output 0.
6. Max Sum MAX-SUM Output the largest sum of any (non-empty) consecutive subsequence of the current sequence.

Input Specification

The first line of input contains two integers N and M, where N is the initial length of the sequence and M is the number of operations.

The second line of input contains N integers, describing the initial sequence.

For the next M lines, each line contains a command in one of the formats described above.

Output Specification

For each GET-SUM or MAX-SUM operation in the input, output the result of the query on a separate line.

Sample Input

9 8
2 -6 3 5 1 -5 -3 6 3
INSERT 8 3 -5 7 2

Sample Output



For each test case, your score will be determined as follows:

  • If your program prints the correct answers to all GET-SUM operations at the correct locations in the output, then you will score 60\% of points.
  • If your program prints the correct answers to all MAX-SUM operations at the correct locations in the output, then you will score 40\% of points.
  • If your program correctly answers both types operations, then you will score 100\% of points.

Please note: If your program can only correctly process one type of operation, then ensure that operations of the other type each receive a corresponding line. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee that your score will be accurate.


You may assume that at any given time, the sequence will contain at least 1 number.
The data in the input is guaranteed to be valid, and will always refer to existing positions in the sequence.

In test data worth at most 50\% of the points, the sequence may contain up to 30\,000 numbers at any given moment.
In test data worth 100\% of the points, the sequence may contain up to 500\,000 numbers at any given moment.

In test data worth 100\% of the points, the value of any number in the sequence will be in the range [-1\,000, 1\,000].
In test data worth 100\% of the points, M \le 20\,000, the sum of all inserted values will not exceed 4\,000\,000, and the input will not exceed 20MB.


  • 0
    AryanG  commented on Jan. 2, 2020, 5:46 p.m. edited

    I am currently hitting a TLE on the 7th test case, is there any way to improve the algorithm?

    • 2
      wleung_bvg  commented on Jan. 2, 2020, 7:10 p.m. edited

      Intended time complexity should be similar to \mathcal{O}(M \log (N + M)). I recommend looking into data structures that can efficiently perform range updates and queries.