Night has fallen, and
alpacas have gathered around a campfire. They sit in a circle, that is, alpaca
is to the right of alpaca
, alpaca
is to the right of alpaca
, alpaca
is to the right of alpaca
, and so on. Each alpaca is waiting to be assigned a happiness index,
. The
alpaca is happy if the sum of its happiness index and the happiness index of the alpaca to its right is even. Otherwise, it is sad. Being a diligent herdsman, you decide to assign each of the
alpacas a happiness index such that there are exactly
happy alpacas.

Subtask 1 [15%]

Subtask 2 [85%]
No additional constraints.
Input Specification
The first line contains two space-separated integers,
Output Specification
If no solution exists, output
. Otherwise, output
space-separated integers, the happiness index
for the
. If there are multiple solutions, output any.
Note: Output must end with a newline with no trailing whitespace.
Sample Input 1
6 4
Sample Output 1
7 27 196 50 3 17
Explanation for Sample Output 1
The happy alpacas in this arrangement are alpaca
, alpaca
, alpaca
, and alpaca
. Note that this is not the only solution.
Sample Input 2
2 1
Sample Output 2
i love an animal contest