IOI '20 P1 - Comparing Plants

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Points: 40 (partial)
Time limit: 2.0s
Memory limit: 512M

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Hazel the botanist visited a special exhibition in the Singapore Botanical Gardens. In this exhibition, n plants of distinct heights are placed in a circle. These plants are labelled from 0 to n - 1 in clockwise order, with plant n - 1 beside plant 0.

For each plant i (0 \le i \le n - 1), Hazel compared plant i to each of the next k - 1 plants in clockwise order, and wrote down the number r[i] denoting how many of these plants k - 1 are taller than plant i. Thus, each value r[i] depends on the relative heights of some k consecutive plants.

For example, suppose n = 5, k = 3 and i = 3. The next k - 1 = 2 plants in clockwise order from plant i = 3 would be plant 4 and plant 0. If plant 4 was taller than plant 3 and plant 0 was shorter than plant 3, Hazel would write down r[3] = 1.

You may assume that Hazel recorded the values r[i] correctly. Thus, there is at least one configuration of distinct heights of plants consistent with these values.

You were asked to compare the heights of q pairs of plants. Sadly, you do not have access to the exhibition. Your only source of information is Hazel's notebook with the value k and the sequence of values r[0], \ \dots, \ r[n - 1].

For each pair of different plants x and y that need to be compared, determine which of the three following situations occurs:

  • Plant x is definitely taller than plant y: in any configuration of distinct heights h[0], \ \dots, \ h[n - 1] consistent with the array r we have h[x] > h[y].
  • Plant x is definitely shorter than plant y: in any configuration of distinct heights h[0], \ \dots, \ h[n - 1] consistent with the array r we have h[x] < h[y].
  • The comparison is inconclusive: neither of the previous two cases applies.

Implementation details

You should implement the following procedure:

void init(int k, std::vector<int> r)
  • k: the number of consecutive plants whose heights determine each individual value r[i].
  • r : an array of size n, where r[i] is the number of plants taller than plant i among the next k - 1 plants in clockwise order.
  • This procedure is called exactly once, before any calls to compare_plants.
int compare_plants(int x, int y)
  • x, y : labels of the plants to be compared.
  • This procedure should return:
    • 1 if plant x is definitely taller than plant y,
    • -1 if plant x is definitely shorter than plant y,
    • 0 if the comparison is inconclusive.
  • This procedure is called exactly q times.


Example 1

Consider the following call:

init(3, {0, 1, 1, 2})

Let's say the grader calls compare_plants(0, 2). Since r[0] = 0 we can immediately infer that plant 2 is not taller than plant 0. Therefore, the call should return 1.

Let's say the grader calls compare_plants(1, 2) next. For all possible configurations of heights that fit the constraints above, plant 1 is shorter than plant 2. Therefore, the call should return -1.

Example 2

Consider the following call:

init(2, {0, 1, 0, 1})

Let's say the grader calls compare_plants(0, 3). Since r[3] = 1, we know that plant 0 is taller than plant 3. Therefore, the call should return 1.

Let's say the grader calls compare_plants(1, 3) next. Two configurations of heights [3, 1, 4, 2] and [3, 2, 4, 1] are both consistent with Hazel's measurements. Since plant 1 is shorter than plant 3 in one configuration and taller than plant 3 in the other, this call should return 0.


  • 2 \le k \le n \le 200\,000
  • 1 \le q \le 200\,000
  • 0 \le r[i] \le k - 1 (for all 0 \le i \le n - 1)
  • 0 \le x < y \le n - 1
  • There exists one or more configurations of distinct heights of plants consistent with the array r.


  1. (5 points) k = 2
  2. (14 points) n \le 5000, 2 \cdot k > n
  3. (13 points) 2 \cdot k > n
  4. (17 points) The correct answer to each call of compare_plants is 1 or -1.
  5. (11 points) n \le 300, q \le \frac{n \cdot (n - 1)}{2}
  6. (15 points) x = 0 for each call of compare_plants.
  7. (25 points) No additional constraints.

Sample grader

The sample grader reads the input in the following format:

  • line 1: n \ k \ q
  • line 2: r[0] \ r[1] \ \dots \ r[n - 1]
  • line 3 + i (0 \le i \le q - 1): x \ y for the i-th call to compare_plants

The sample grader prints your answer in the following format:

  • line 1 + i (0 \le i \le q - 1): return value of the i-th call to compare_plants.


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