National Olympiad in Informatics, China, 2011
The first annual intelligent car competition at JL University has
started! The racetrack can be represented as a combination of
rectangular regions (see figure below). The sides of each rectangle are
parallel to the axes of the coordinate plane. Rectangle
has its
lower left corner at
and upper right corner at
The following are guaranteed:
. Neighboring rectangles will always have
overlapping edges (indicated by the dotted line below). Intelligent cars
can cross over these sections to travel between different rectangular
The contestants must make their self-designed intelligent car travel
from a certain starting point
to a certain finishing point
the shortest time possible. The intelligent car travels at a constant
speed of
, where steering does not consume any time, and also cannot
travel outside of the racetrack. Can you calculate the fastest time
necessary for the car to finish the race?
Input Specification
The first line contains a single integer
, representing the number of
rectangular regions the racetrack is made up of.
The following
lines will each describe one of these rectangles. The
-th of these lines contains
, indicating the rectangle
has its lower left
corner at
and upper right corner at
The following line contains two integers
representing the starting point.
The following line contains two integers
representing the finishing point.
The last line contains a single real number
representing the speed of the intelligent car.
Output Specification
The output should consist of a single real number, accurate to at least
digits after the decimal, representing the shortest time in which the
intelligent car can complete the race. Your answer will be considered
correct if its absolute difference with the correct answer is no greater
Sample Input
1 1 2 2
2 0 3 4
1 1
3 0
Sample Output
The attributes of all the test cases are outlined below.
Test Case |
Range of  |
Range of Coordinates |
All coordinates will be integers with absolute values not exceeding . |
 |  |
 |  |
 |  |
Problem translated to English by Alex.