EGOI '22 P5 - Data Centers

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Points: 10 (partial)
Time limit: 2.0s
Memory limit: 256M

Problem types

GoncaSoft is an internet company that runs many services and has n data centers worldwide. Each data center has a number of available machines. For security and redundancy reasons, one or more copies of each service are running at the same time. Each copy runs in a separate data center, and requires a number of machines to run on. All the copies of a given service require the same number of machines.

When GoncaSoft plans to launch a new service i that requires ci copies, each running on mi machines, it sorts the data centers in descending order by their current available machines, and then uses mi machines in each of the top ci data centers. Please calculate the remaining available machines in the data centers after launching s services in a given order.

Input Specification

The first line of the input contains two space-separated integers n and s, representing the number of data centers GoncaSoft has and the number of new services GoncaSoft wants to launch. The next line contains n space-separated integers, representing the number of available machines in each of the n data centers, before any services are launched. The next s lines describe the services that will be launched: the i-th line contains two space-separated integers mi and ci, representing the number of machines and the number of copies the i-th service requires.

Output Specification

Output one line containing n space-separated integers sorted in descending order, representing the number of remaining available machines in the data centers after all services have launched.


  • 1n100000 and 0s5000.
  • Each data center has at most 109 machines initially.
  • 1mi109 for each service i such that 1is.
  • 1cin, for each service i such that 1is. The data centers will always have enough machines for the new services.


  • Subtask 1 (12 points): n100, s=0.
  • Subtask 2 (12 points): n100, s10.
  • Subtask 3 (9 points): n50000, s100.
  • Subtask 4 (26 points): Each data center has initially at most 1000 machines.
  • Subtask 5 (18 points): ci=1 for all services from 1 to s.
  • Subtask 6 (23 points): No further constraints.

Sample Input

5 4
20 12 10 15 18
3 4
4 1
1 3
4 2

Sample Output

11 10 10 9 8


Step Available MachinesOperations
Beginning20 12 10 15 18
Service #1: before launching20 18 15 12 10Sort the data centers in descending order.
Service #1: after launching17 15 12 9 10Use 3 machines in each of the top 4 data centers.
Service #2: before launching17 15 12 10 9Sort the data centers in descending order.
Service #2: after launching13 15 12 10 9Use 4 machines in the top data center.
Service #3: before launching15 13 12 10 9Sort the data centers in descending order.
Service #3: after launching14 12 11 10 9Use 1 machine in each of the top 3 data centers.
Service #4: before launching14 12 11 10 9Sort the data centers in descending order.
Service #4: after launching10 8 11 10 9Use 4 machines in each of the top 2 data centers.
End11 10 10 9 8Sort the data centers in descending order.


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