NOI '16 P1 - Good Partitions

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Points: 20 (partial)
Time limit: 1.5s
Memory limit: 512M

Problem type

If a string can be written in the form of AABB where A and B are arbitrary non-empty strings, then we say this is a good partition. For example, it is possible to write the string aabaabaa in the form of AABB by letting A=aab and B=a.

Some strings do not admit a good partition, while some strings admit multiple good partitions. For example, for the above string aabaabaa, it is also possible to write it in the form of AABB by letting A=a and B=baa. The string abaabaa does not admit good partitions.

Given a string S of length n, compute the sum, over all its substrings, of the number of good partitions of those substrings. Here, substring refers to a contiguous part of the string.

Please pay attention to the following details:

  • The same string appearing at different locations are considered distinct. All good partitions corresponding to the same string should count towards the answer.
  • It is possible to have A=B in a good partition. For example, the string cccc admits good partition A=B=c.
  • The string S itself is one of its substrings.

Input Specification

Each input file has several test cases.

The first line of the input file contains one integer T denoting the number of test cases in the file.

In the following T lines, each line contains a string S consisting of lower-case English letters.

Output Specification

Output T lines: each line consists of an integer denoting the total number of good partitions among all possible partitions of substrings of S.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1


Explanation for Sample 1

Let S[i,j] denote the substring of S consisting of the i-th character to the j-th character of S, with index starting from 1.

In the first test case, there are three substrings admitting good partitions: S[1,4]=aabb with A=a,B=b, S[3,6]=bbbb with A=b,B=b, and S[1,6]=aabbbb with A=a,B=bb. Other substrings of S do not admit good partitions, so the answer shall be 3.

In the second test case, S[1,4]=S[2,5]=S[3,6]=cccc admit good partition A=c,B=c, so the total contribution to the final answer is 3. For string S[1,6]=cccccc, it admits two good partitions (A=c,B=cc or A=cc,B=c). The different good partitions corresponding to the same substring should all count towards the final answer, so the final answer to the second test case is 3+2=5.

In the third test case, S[1,8] and S[4,11] admit two good partitions respectively. S[1,8] is the example described in the problem description. The answer should be 2+2=4.

In the fourth test case, each of S[1,4],S[6,11],S[7,12],S[2,11],S[1,8] admits one good partition, and S[3,14] admits two good partitions, so the answer should be 5+2=7.

Attachment Package

The samples are available here.

Sample 2

See and ex_excellent2.ans.

Sample 3

See and ex_excellent3.ans.


For all test cases, 1T10, n30000.

Test casenSpecial properties
1,2300All characters of S are same.
5,610No additional constraints.


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