MALD Contest 1 P1 - Scratch Cat and DDoS

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Points: 3
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 64M

Problem type
wHy iS sCrAtCh.MiT.EdU bLoCkEd?!

One day, the Scratch Cat decided to use his hacker skills to shut down all websites in Yuboland. There are N websites available for him to hack. However, the Scratch Cat isn't intelligent enough to decide whether a website is hosted by Yuboland.

Therefore, he came up with a rule to determine that. The Scratch Cat believes that a website is hosted by Yuboland if

  1. yubo (all lowercase) is a substring of the website's URL,
  2. The website is directly before or after a website that satisfies the first rule.

Please determine the websites that the Scratch Cat will hack in alphabetical order.


1 \le N \le 10^4

1 \le |s_i| \le 100

Input Specification

The first line will contain an integer N, the number of websites available for the Scratch Cat to hack.

The next N lines will each contain a string s_i, the URL for the i^\text{th} website.

Output Specification

Output the URLs of the websites that the Scratch Cat will hack in alphabetical order. Do not output duplicate URLs.

Sample Input


Sample Output


The second URL,, is directly before a URL containing yubo as a substring. The third URL directly contains yubo. The fourth URL is identical to the second and is directly after a URL containing yubo. The sorted list of URLs is then \{, yubosucks.scratch\}. Notice two URLs that satisfy the conditions, but only one is output because they are the same website.


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