631 problems solved
Rank by points: #211
Total points:
36 contests written
Rank by rating: #489
Rating: 2071
Min. rating: 993
Max rating: 2071
From Olympiads School, St. Theresa of Lisieux C.H.S., TTMath School, Foxen
Semi retired (might or might not return soon)
Name: Failure
Discord: dawangk#1567 (I lack friends)
NO LLAMAS allowed! (I should attempt doing this some time in the future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRgjX8A24jw)
I like Minecraft (IGN: dawangk)
jQ9J7N/tXo39MiQt67NoqD274o9UisP9oDgxlf8FQBk= b30ef61c1e7f554f388f8df319461605efc8926a741feabb1e770189dd5218a7]
7 submissions in the last year
Rating history
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