Canadian Computing Olympiad: 2020 Day 1, Problem 1
Grundy is playing his favourite game — hide and seek.
His friends stand at locations on the
-axis of a two-dimensional plane — the
-th one is at coordinates
. Each friend can see things in a triangular wedge extending vertically upwards from their position — the
-th friend's triangular wedge of vision will be specified by two lines: one with slope of
and the other with slope
. A friend cannot see a point that lies exactly on one of these two lines.
Grundy may choose to hide at any location , where
is an integer satisfying
, and
, and
are given integer constants.
Each possible location may be in view of some of Grundy's friends (namely, strictly within their triangular wedge of vision).
Grundy would like to know in how many different spots he can stand such that he will be in view of at most of his friends, for every possible value of
Input Specification
The first line of input contains the integer
The next line contains three integers: ,
, and
Each of the next lines contain three integers: the
-th such line contains
, the
-value of the position of friend
followed by two integers
. The slopes
define the triangular wedge of vision for friend
For 15 of the 25 marks available, .
Output Specification
The output is lines, where each line
contains the integer number of positions in which Grundy can stand and be in view of at most
of his friends.
Sample Input
-7 7 3
0 2 3
-4 2 1
3 3 1
Sample Output
Explanation of Output for Sample Input
There are three friends with the following triangular wedges of vision, along with the possible positions that Grundy can be placed, as shown in the diagram below:
Notice the points and
are visible only by the friend at position 0, since they lie on the boundary of the triangular wedge of vision for the friend at position 3.