Once upon a time, in a quaint village surrounded by lush forests, there lived a toucan named Owen, who was also a mathematician. Owen, being quite the playful bird, wrote down an array on a piece of paper, consisting of a permutation of positive integers from to . Then, he wrote down an array of length on the paper. The array is constructed by taking the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of each element and the corresponding element . Namely, . However, he purposely accidentally lost the paper and cannot remember what the arrays and were. Fortunately, he still remembers that there are exactly unique integers in array . Can you please help him find a possible array ?
Note: A permutation of length is an array consisting of distinct integers from to in any order.
Input Specification
The first line of input contains two integers and .
The following table shows how the available marks are distributed.
Marks Awarded | ||
marks | ||
marks |
Output Specification
Output a possible array , a permutation of positive integers from to .
It can be proven that there is always a valid array .
Sample Input
5 3
Sample Output
5 4 3 2 1
Explanation for Sample
The array for sample output is which is . In array , there are exactly unique integers: , , and .