NOI '22 Multi-Provincial Team Selection P5 - Bracket

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Points: 35 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 512M

Problem type

Tommy has a balanced bracket sequence s of length 2n, and a weight associated with each opening bracket.

Tommy desires to convert s into a string that does not contain any sequence of the form (A)(B), where A and B are and hereinafter are any balanced bracket sequence. To do this, he can do two operations an arbitrary amount of times:

  1. Change the string from p(A)(B)q to p(A()B)q, where p and q are and hereinafter are any (possibly unbalanced) bracket sequence. This incurs a cost of x times the weight of the first opening bracket plus y times the weight of the second opening bracket, where x and y are integers given in the input in {0,1}.
  2. Change the string from pABq to pBAq. This incurs no cost. Note that the weights of the opening brackets are changed as they are moved around.

Find the minimum possible cost incurred to convert s into a string that does not contain any substring of the form (A)(B), where A and B are any balanced bracket sequence.





Test Other restrictions
1 - 3 n8
4 - 5 All weights are equal.
6 - 8 n20
9 - 12 x=0, y=1
13 - 16 n2000
17 - 25 None.

Input Specification

The first line contains three non-negative integers n, x, and y.

The second line contains a balanced bracket sequence s of length 2n.

The third line contains n positive integers w1,w2,,wn.

Output Specification

Output the answer.

Sample Input 1

2 0 1
1 3

Sample Output 1


Sample Explanation 1

The optimal solution is to first use operation 2 to exchange the first and second pair of parentheses. Then, use operation 1 to exchange the inner pair of parentheses, where A, B, p, and q are all empty, incurring a cost of 3×0+1×1=1.

Sample Input 2

2 1 0
1 3

Sample Output 2


Sample Explanation 2

We may use operation 1 directly, incurring a cost of 1×1+3×0=1.


Attachments can be found here.


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