National Olympiad in Informatics, China, 2011
Just going into the second grade, little Q has purchased a popular
educational game – the magic chessboard! This game takes place on an
- Query: Using his current location as a base, he will expand outwards
directions to produce a rectangle of variable size. Then, you will be asked for the greatest common divisor of all integers in the region. - Update: He will randomly choose a rectangular region on the chessboard and simultaneously add a fixed value to the integers on each of the cells in the region.
The game's instruction manual contains a message reading "My smart
young friends, when you have continuously answered
To make this problem simpler, your program will only need to complete
Input Specification
The first line of input contains two positive integers
The second line contains two positive integers
The third line contains a positive integer
For the following
For the following
- If the line starts with a
, then this operation is a query. Four nonnegative integers , , , and will follow. This indicates that the query range of the chessboard guardian will span rows above him, rows below him, columns to his left, and columns to his right (refer to the sample below). - If the line starts with a
, then this operation is an update. Four positive integers , , , and an integer will follow. This indicates that the upper and lower boundaries of the updated region are respectively and , while the left and right boundaries of the region are respectively and (refer to the sample below). All of the numbers in this range are simultaneously incremented by (note that can be negative).
Output Specification
For each query, output a single number on a separate line representing the greatest common divisor of the queried region.
Sample Input
2 2
1 1
6 12
18 24
0 0 0 1 0
1 1 1 1 2 6
1 2 1 2 2 6
0 0 0 1 1
Sample Output
Initial Status | After Operation 1 | After Operation 2 | After Operation 3 | After Operation 4 |
6 12 18 24 |
6 12 18 24 |
12 18 18 24 |
12 18 24 30 |
12 18 24 30 |
After operations
There will be three types of test cases:
In each type,
The input is guaranteed to satisfy all properties mentioned in the
description above.
Problem translated to English by .