CCC '24 J4 - Troublesome Keys

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Points: 5 (partial)
Time limit: 3.0s
Memory limit: 1G

Problem type
Canadian Computing Competition: 2024 Stage 1, Junior #4

As Alex is typing, their keyboard is acting strangely. Two letter keys are causing trouble:

  • One letter key displays the same wrong letter each time it is pressed. Alex calls this key the silly key. Oddly, Alex never actually tries to type the wrong letter displayed by the silly key.
  • Another letter key doesn't display anything when it is pressed. Alex calls this key the quiet key.

Alex presses the silly key at least once but they don't necessarily press the quiet key.

Your job is to determine the troublesome keys and the wrong letter that is displayed. Luckily, this is possible because Alex never presses the silly key immediately after pressing the quiet key and Alex never presses the quiet key immediately after pressing the silly key.

Input Specification

There will be two lines of input. The first line of input represents the N keys Alex presses on the keyboard. The second line of input represents the letters displayed on the screen.

Both lines of input will only contain lowercase letters of the alphabet.

The following table shows how the available 15 marks are distributed.

Marks Description Bound
3 The quiet key is not pressed. A small number of keys are pressed. N \le 50
3 The first troublesome key pressed is the silly key. A small number of keys are pressed. N \le 50
5 The first troublesome key pressed may be the silly key or the quiet key. A small number of keys are pressed. N \le 50
4 The first troublesome key pressed may be the silly key or the quiet key. A large number of keys are pressed. N \le 500 \,000

Output Specification

There will be two lines of output.

On the first line, output the letter corresponding to the silly key and the wrong letter displayed on the screen when it is pressed, separated by a single space.

On the second line, output the letter corresponding to the quiet key if it is pressed. Output the dash character (-) if the quiet key is not pressed.

Sample Input 1


Output for Sample Input 1

o x

Explanation of Output for Sample Input 1

The letter corresponding to the silly key was the letter o. Each time it was pressed, the wrong letter x was displayed. The quiet key was not pressed.

Sample Input 2


Output for Sample Input 2

o x

Explanation of Output for Sample Input 2

The letter corresponding to the silly key was the letter o. Each time it was pressed, the wrong letter x was displayed. The quiet key corresponds to the letter s which was not displayed.

Sample Input 3


Output for Sample Input 3

s z

Explanation of Output for Sample Input 3

The letter corresponding to the silly key was the letter s. Each time it was pressed, the wrong letter z was displayed. The quiet key corresponds to the letter o which was not displayed.


  • -2
    justinnova0915  commented on Dec. 24, 2024, 6:40 p.m.

    What if the silly key and the quet key are right next to eachother? and there is only one silly and quiet key? Then there will be 2 solution no?

    for example: if the input if forloops, and the output is foxoops



    the silly key can be r and the quiet can be l but the silly can be l and the quiet can be r no? They would output the same thing.

    Or am I just dumb idk

    • 2
      Deo  commented on Dec. 29, 2024, 10:30 p.m.

      the question states that "Alex never presses the silly key immediately after pressing the quiet key and Alex never presses the quiet key immediately after pressing the silly key."

  • 0
    martinc0021  commented on Nov. 12, 2024, 4:54 a.m.

    This doesn't work? for case #6 in batch 3

    • 0
      martinc0021  commented on Nov. 12, 2024, 4:55 a.m.

      never mind its batch 2

  • -5
    HisMonDon  commented on Oct. 8, 2024, 2:47 p.m.

    This comment is hidden due to too much negative feedback. Show it anyway.

  • 0
    S0lved_lynX  commented on July 28, 2024, 8:57 p.m.

    Maybe I'm dumb, can anybody please help? If input is: fruits rrits Will the output be: f r u or u r f

    • 0
      b_nary  commented on July 28, 2024, 9:16 p.m.

      I don't think that is a valid input, since Alex never actually tries to type the wrong letter displayed by the silly key.

      if "f" is the silly key and outputs "r", then "r" should not be in "fruits". The same applies if "u" is the silly key.

  • 0
    zq500  commented on June 26, 2024, 2:58 a.m.

    There doesn't seem to be a case in the data where the "displayed error key" and the "mute key" are the same. For example s1="aaacb" s2="bbbc" s1="acb" s2="bc"

    • 1
      jrkws  commented on June 26, 2024, 8:23 p.m.

      yes the silly key and quiet key are different