2009 Bulgarian Olympiad in Informatics
The programmer Pesho is a very thrifty person. The money which he earns
from website design he stores in
Fortunately, Pesho marked on a sheet of paper where the key for each money-box is stored. Now, the necessary money is finally collected and Pesho has to open all the money-boxen to take the money.
Unfortunately, no keys are available: Pesho must break the boxen! Pesho doesn't like breaking things, so he'd like to break as few boxen as possible. He realized that when a broken money-box contains a key of another money-box then the second money-box could be simply unlocked.
Write a program to determine the minimal number of money-boxen that have to be broken in order to collect all the stored money.
Input Specification
The program has to solve two test cases for each run. Each test case
starts with a line containing the number
Output Specification
Output the minimal number of boxen that must be broken. Separate the numbers with a space.
Sample Input
Sample Output
2 1
In the first test case, the 4th box must be broken, because it contains its own key. Then, you can simply break the 1st box - it contains the key for box 2, which contains the key for box 3.
In the second case, you can just break box 3 to enter everything.
I tried to use vector to store my graph, but I got WA on 4 cases. I only got AC by switching to unordered_map. Does anyone know why this happened?
You clear the vector for each test case but don't resize it. The reason using a map worked is because maps don't require you to allocate the memory locations before you access them. I would still recommend using vectors as oppose to maps since their time complexity is better.