Andrew has somehow made it to the alpine snowboarding finals! He is up against his long-time rival Tommy.
Each snowboarder will be going down their own hill, with
obstacles. The
obstacle in Andrew's hill has height
, and the
obstacle in Tommy's hill has height
. Andrew can jump
meters high, meaning he can clear all obstacles strictly less than
meters, while Tommy can jump
meters high. The snowboarders can jump over the obstacles in
second while going around them takes
seconds. If a snowboarder cannot jump over that obstacle, they will go around it.
Given the heights of the obstacles in each hill, and the snowboarders' jumping height, determine who wins the race. The winner is the snowboarder who finishes the course in less time.

Input Specification
The first line contains three space-separated integers:
, the number of obstacles on each course,
, Andrew's jump height, and
, Tommy's jump height.
The next
lines contain two space-separated integers
, the height of the
obstacle in Andrew's hill and Tommy's hill, respectively.
Output Specification
Output Andrew wins!
if Andrew wins, Tommy wins!
if Tommy wins, and Tie!
Sample Input
5 4 3
1 2
4 5
6 2
4 4
1 7
Sample Output
Andrew completes the course in
seconds, and Tommy completes the course in
seconds as well.
I have the correct code but for my print it says this:
print("Andrew wins!")
i have no idea whats wrong
I will never be happy about the fact that it took me like 10 minutes because I thought the higher time wins.