215 problems solved
Rank by points: #989
Total points:
18 contests written
Rank by rating: #2284
Rating: 1397
Min. rating: 989
Max rating: 1467
From Bayview S.S., Olympiads School
I join contests to practice reading comprehension at this point
Orz noYou, azeng, sushi, marsxiang5902, ___________________, KoreaFriedChips, ayay9, henrybaolol9, LeonLiur, fcaiona, Ryzon, uselessleaf, Antt
UwU ken_g,trumpetdoot, _haan_naahh_, Owen_The_Epic_Gamer, EricCao, ryann, andew_l
switching from JAVA to C++ 😳
Rating history
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