NOI '23 P5 - String

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Points: 25 (partial)
Time limit: 2.0s
Memory limit: 512M

Problem types

Little Y is a college student who is currently doing researches related to strings. Little Y learned about the following definitions regarding strings:

  • Given a string s[1 : n] of length n, we define its substring s[l : r] (1 \leq l \leq r \leq n) as the new string obtained by selecting s[l], s[l + 1], \dots , s[r] in order and concatenating them.
  • Given a string s[1 : n] of length n, we define its reversed result R(s) as the string obtained by concatenating s[n], s[n - 1], \dots , s[1] in order, which is the string obtained by reversing the original string.
  • Given two strings a[1 : n] and b[1 : n] of equal length n, we define a to be lexicographically smaller than b if and only if there exists 1 \leq i \leq n such that for any 1 \leq j < i, a[j] = b[j], and a[i] < b[i].

After understanding the above definitions, Little Y came up with the following problem:

Given a string s[1 : n] of length n, there are q queries, each query giving two parameters i and r. You need to find out how many values of l satisfy the following conditions:

  • 1 \leq l \leq r.
  • s[i : i + l - 1] is lexicographically smaller than R(s[i + l : i + 2l - 1]).

Little Y would like to ask for your help in solving this problem.

Input Specification

This problem has multiple test data sets.

The first line of the input contains two integers c and t, which represent the test case number and the number of test data sets. c = 0 represents that this test case is a sample test.

Then, each set of test data is given as input in order. For each set of test data:

The first line of input contains two positive integers, n and q, which represent the length of the string and the number of queries respectively.

The second line of input contains a string s of length n that only consists of lowercase letters.

Then q lines follow, each containing two positive integers, i and r, representing a query. It is guaranteed that i+2r -1 \leq n.

Output Specification

For each query of each set of test data, output a line containing an integer, representing the number of ls satisfying the requirements.

Sample Input 1

0 2
9 3
1 4
2 4
3 3
9 3
1 4
2 4
3 3

Sample Output 1


Explanation for Sample Output 1

For the first set of test data in the sample:

  • When l = 1, s[i:i+l-1] = \textsf{a}, R(s[i+l:i+l+l-1]) = \textsf{b}.
  • When l = 2, s[i:i+l-1] = \textsf{ab}, R(s[i+l:i+l+l-1]) = \textsf{ca}.
  • When l = 3, s[i:i+l-1] = \textsf{aba}, R(s[i+l:i+l+l-1]) = \textsf{bac}.
  • When l = 4, s[i:i+l-1] = \textsf{abac}, R(s[i+l:i+l+l-1]) = \textsf{baba}.

In all four cases, s[i:i+l-1] is lexcicographically smaller than R(s[i+l:i+2l-1]), so the answer is 4.

Additional Samples

Sample inputs and outputs can be found here.

  • Sample 2 ( and ex_string2.ans) corresponds to test case 5.
  • Sample 3 ( and ex_string3.ans).
  • Sample 4 ( and ex_string4.ans) corresponds to test cases 24-25.


For all test data, it is guaranteed that: 1 \leq t\leq 5,1\leq n\leq 10^5,1\leq q\leq 10^5,1\leq i+2r-1\leq n. The string s only consists of lowercase letters.

Test IDn\leqAdditional Constraints
1\leq 5\leq 5A
2\leq 10\leq 10
3\leq 20\leq 20
4\leq 50\leq 50
5\leq 10^2\leq 10^2
6\leq 10^3\leq 10^3None
7\leq 2\,000\leq 2\,000
8\leq 3\,000\leq 3\,000
9\leq 4\,000\leq 4\,000
10 \leq 23\,333 \leq 23\,333A
11\leq 5\times 10^4\leq 5\times 10^4
12 \leq 75\,000\leq 75\,000
13\leq 9\times 10^4\leq 9\times 10^4
14\leq 10^5\leq 10^5
15\leq 23\,333\leq 23\,333B
16\leq 75\,000\leq 75\,000
17\leq 9\times 10^4\leq 9\times 10^4
18\leq 10^5\leq 10^5
19\leq 23\,333\leq 23\,333None
20\leq 5\times 10^4\leq 5\times 10^4
21 \leq 75\,000 \leq 75\,000
22 \leq 9\times 10^4 \leq 9\times 10^4
23\leq 95\,000\leq 95\,000
2410^5 10^5

Additional Constraint A: It is guaranteed that the input string only consists of a and b, and each character is uniformly chosen from a and b at random.

Additional Constraint B: It is guaranteed that every pair of adjacent characters in the input string are distinct.


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