You are given an array of integers
. Suppose
is any array of
integers. Find the minimum possible positive value of
At least one .
Input Specification
The first line contains an integer, .
The next line contains space-separated integers,
Output Specification
Output the minimum positive value of .
Sample Input
2 -1 3
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample
One possible value for array is
. Then,
. This is the minimum positive value of
amongst all values of
Can someone help me understand why this isn't a valid solution? My process is to initially add all of the values together (analogous to having array b filled with ones) then subtracting values from the array until the sum is minimized (until any further subtraction of values would cause a negative sum, this is essentially decrementing the multiple of the values of a found in the b array). Why does this not work? It passes the given test case but not the grader's cases. Is there some hidden rule that the elements must be distinct?