Canadian Computing Olympiad: 2022 Day 1, Problem 3
Due to a rather ambitious school schedule, two of your classes are about to be held starting
at exactly the same time, in two different classrooms! You can only be in one place at a
time, so the best you can hope for is catching the important bits of both, even if that means
sneaking back and forth between the two.
The two classrooms are numbered
. In classroom
, the teacher will show
slides during the class, with the
slide shown throughout the exclusive time interval
are times elapsed since the start of class
measured in seconds. In both classes, there does not exist a point in time at which multiple
slides are simultaneously being shown. For example, a class may have slides spanning the
pair of intervals
, or the pair
, but not the pair
You begin the day in classroom
with both classes starting at time
. Following that, at any
point in time (not necessarily after an integral number of seconds), you may move from your
current classroom to the other one in
seconds. You consider yourself to have seen a slide if
you spend a positive amount of time in its classroom strictly within the time interval during
which it's being shown. When moving between the two classrooms, you're not considered to
be inside either of them for
seconds and are thus unable to see any slides.
For example, if classroom
has a slide being shown for the time interval
, classroom
has a slide being shown for the time interval
, and
, then you'll get to see
both slides if you move from classroom
to classroom
at time
seconds (arriving at
seconds). On the other hand, if you leave classroom
at time
seconds (arriving
at time
seconds), then you'll enter classroom
just after its slide stops being shown and
will therefore miss it.
What's the maximum number of distinct slides which you can see at least once?
Input Specification
The first line contains three space-separated integers
, and
The next
lines each contain two space-separated integers
The next
lines each contain two space-separated integers,
Marks Awarded | Bounds on  | Bounds on and  | Bounds on  |
marks |  |  |  |
marks |  |  |  |
marks |  | ,  |  |
marks |  |  |  |
Output Specification
Output one integer which is the maximum number of distinct slides which you can see.
Sample Input 1
3 1 8
10 20
100 101
20 21
15 25
Output for Sample Input 1
Explanation of Output for Sample Input 1
One possible optimal strategy is to remain in classroom
until time
, then move to
(arriving at time
), remain there until time
, and finally return to
(arriving at time
). In the process, you'll see all but the
slide. It's
impossible for you to see all 4 slides.
Sample Input 2
1 5 3
1 100
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
Output for Sample Input 2
Explanation of Output for Sample Input 2
Even if you begin moving to classroom
immediately at the start of the classes (e.g., at
), you'll miss the first
slides shown there. As such, it is possible to see a total
of at most four slides.