Despite Jeff Qiu's best efforts to avoid procrastinating, he still has yet to study for tomorrow's exam! Fortunately, his classmates are very resourceful and have taken notes during class.
In order to get his classmates to share them, he has decided to befriend some of the classmates. Some classmates are more attentive in class and therefore are able to provide more notes. His class contains people, excluding him, conveniently numbered
, and each classmate has
pages of notes. For any integer
, every classmate
is in
's friend list if there exists a path of direct friendships from
. The resourcefulness of any classmate's friend list is the sum of the
values of their friend list.
Initially, the only friend each classmate has is themselves. Jeff will then provide you with queries, where each query will be one of the following:
1 a b
which means to make classmates a
and b
friends with each other. Note that friendship is bidirectional.
2 a
which means to print the size of a
's friend list.
3 a
which means to print the resourcefulness of classmate a
's friend list.
For all subtasks:
Subtask 1 [15%]
Subtask 2 [85%]
No additional constraints.
Input Specification
The first line will consist of the two integers and
The next line will have integers, where the
integer denotes
The next lines will consist of one query per line in the format described above.
Output Specification
For each query of type 2
or 3
, print out the answer in a new line.
Sample Input
4 5
1 2 1 0
1 1 2
1 1 3
2 1
2 3
3 3
Sample Output
is friends with 2
and 3
, so both 1
and 3
have three friends. Therefore, the resourcefulness of 3
is .
Are you friend with yourself?