782 problems solved
Rank by points: #269
Total points:
21 contests written
Rank by rating: #1470
Rating: 1621
Min. rating: 1056
Max rating: 1621
From Olympiads School, Upper Canada College, WCIPEG Migration, Foxen, UCC Coding Competition 2021, Coding Bowl
I main CP+Math
June 16, 2018: Registered account on DMOJ. First submission
Febuary 12, 2019: CCC Junior- 60/75
Feburary 12, 2020: CCC Junior - 73/75
March 17, 2020: Blue
April 29, 2020: First 20 pointer
August 11, 2020: Officially the best blue on DMOJ!
October 4, 2020: Purple
November 3, 2020: First 25 pointer
lookcook Kevy3030 Dan13llljws piddddgy
Maillew EvilMcKiller kdrkdr maxcruickshanks Scrubpai Tmaswang03 AlanL feliser Encodeous
0 submissions in the last year
Rating history
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