693 problems solved
Rank by points: #215
Total points:
9 contests written
Rank by rating: #1121
Rating: 1740
Min. rating: 1039
Max rating: 1787
From Thornhill S.S., Olympiads School, WCIPEG Migration, UCC Coding Competition 2021, SAC Code Challenges, Foxen
😃 Cool ppl
maxcruickshanks qwertytown4life HARRIBO martin Rimuru Ryan kdrkdr 4fecta Eric_Yang sankeeth_ganeswaran Henry_Z Eric422 ArtyKing12 lHarryl372 Maillew AlanL Scrubpai Tmaswang03 Potatoritos pblpbl tankibuds itslinotlie Dan13llljws TRS noYou Robloxian thomas_li hewmatt10 lookcook piddddgy Plasmatic krish338 explosion sjay05 feliser Evang kevinyang marsxiang5902 JoshuaL Averesoft Tony1234 ThingExplainer samliu12 WilliamWu277 Joelfu
bruce is op
If you think you are cool, (which you are) DM me on discord and I'll add you :P
Random xkcd (Refresh to get a new one!)
(hai Averesoft o/)
DMOJ Submission 3,000,001: https://dmoj.ca/submission/3000001
🚧 Timeline (Severely Outdated)
- First 15pp
September 2019
- 100 questions solved
October 2019
- Second 15pp
October 2019
- 250 points
November 2019
- Got Second Place on Globex Junior 2019 <o/
- First 20pp
February 2020
- 300 points
February 2020
- Group 4 CCC (Senior 37 points)
February 2020
- 200 questions solved
February 2020
- Switched to C++
March 2020
- 350 points
June 2020
- Top 200 in Problems Solved
June 2020
- Top 300 in Points
June 2020
- 300 questions solved
June 2020
- Top 150 in Problems Solved
July 2020
- Longest Compile Warning: (https://dmoj.ca/submission/2203535)
July 2020
- Problems Solved is Equal to Points (https://imgur.com/a/23SqIlC)
July 2020
Most Time Consuming Submission?Clocking in at991.971s
(https://dmoj.ca/submission/2213041)July 2020
Edit: Admins changed time limit to 0.1s :(
- #12/120 On Summer Contest #7 (https://dmoj.ca/contest/summer7/ranking/)
July 2020
- 420 problems solved
August 2020
lmao - 400 points
September 2020
- POGGGGG 25P problem https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccoprep1p3 ty thomas and max
September 2020
- Passed 420 points
September 2020
- 456 Problems solved
September 2020
(https://imgur.com/a/6TB8wCA) - Reached Candidate Master
October 2020
- 450 points
October 2020
- 500 problems solved
November 2020
- Went into monke mode™
- 550 problems solved
February 2021
- Top 200 by points
February 2021
- 500 points
February 2021
- Group 3 CCC (Senior 53 points)
February 2021
- You Cycle (USACO) Gold 😎
February 2021
- Tested for DMOPC March
March 2021
- You Cycle (USACO) Platinum 😎😎
April 2021
- Tested for AAC 1 & 2
- Set a problem for QCC
- You Cycle (USACO) Gold (Again, this time on an alt)
January 2022
🚅 Fast Submissions
⚠️ Please note, some of these rankings may no longer be accurate, as other people may have gotten a faster solution, or the solutions may have been rejudged. These rankings are recorded based on their original ranking at the time of the submission.
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/dwite11c4p4/rank/ (As of 6/7/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/bts18p3/rank/ (As of 7/3/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/bts18p6/rank/ (As of 7/6/2020)
- #4 (Fastest C/C++) https://dmoj.ca/problem/boolean/rank/ (As of 7/10/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/sort1/rank/ (As of 7/10/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/dmopc14c2p3/rank/ (As of 7/11/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/tss17b/rank/ (As of 7/13/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/dmpg18g1/rank/ (As of 7/20/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/olyabc125p4/rank/ (As of 7/20/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/coi06p1/rank/ (As of 7/23/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/vmss7wc15c2p3/rank/ (As of 7/23/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/fhc15c2p1/rank/ (As of 7/27/2020)
- #3 https://dmoj.ca/problem/acc3p1/rank/ (As of 7/28/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/cactus/rank/ (As of 8/3/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/miraclesort/rank/ (As of 8/5/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/pwindsor18p1/rank/ (As of 8/5/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/btoi07p3/rank/ (As of 8/5/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/ioi01p1/rank/ (As of 9/3/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/dmopc18c4p4/rank/ (As of 9/4/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/dmopc16c1p5/rank/ (As of 9/6/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/coci07c4p5/rank/ (As of 9/11/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/vmss7wc15c5p3/rank/ (As of 9/14/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/dmopc19c3p3/rank/ (As of 9/23/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/oly18novp2/rank/ (As of 10/5/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/ncco3d2p1/rank/ (As of 10/7/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/tle17c5p2/rank/ (As of 11/29/2020)
- #1 https://dmoj.ca/problem/coci16c2p3/rank/ (As of 10/5/2021)
My Most Used Languages
Rating history
, #