2620 problems solved
Rank by points: #3
Total points:
26 contests written
Rank by rating: #7
Rating: 3365
Min. rating: 1333
Max rating: 3365
From Olympiads Computing Competition, WCIPEG Migration, Olympiads School
CCC 2018 Results from Olympiads School CCC 2018 Survey
My students are smart and creative. I'm so proud of you!
CCC 2017 Result
17 of my students are invited to CCO 2017. Congratulations, guys! Good luck to CCO!
CCO 2017 Invitees from Bruce's class (ranked by DMOJ rank):
CCC 2016 Result
12 of my students are invited to CCO 2016. CCO 2016 Invitees from Bruce's class (ranked by DMOJ rank): d jeffreyxiao kobortor awaykened FatalEagle pyrexshorts ZQFMGB12 jimgao thomas0115 TommyX ThreeInches imaxblue
Rating history
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