You are given a string of length
, only consisting of the lowercase letters
Let us define an RSP (Reverse Substring Partition) as an operation where you partition into two non-empty contiguous substrings, reverse both substrings, and merge the two letters that touch in the middle of the partitions into one.
In order to perform an RSP, it is required that during the final step, the last letter of the leftmost partition is the same as the first letter of the rightmost partition so they can be merged. Otherwise, this operation cannot be performed. More formally, you may perform an RSP by partitioning into two non-empty substrings
if and only if the last letter of
when reversed is equal to the first letter of
when reversed.
After performing any number of RSPs, what is the minimum possible length of ?
only contains lowercase letters from the English alphabet.
Input Specification
The first line of input contains an integer .
The next line of input contains lowercase letters representing
Output Specification
Output a single integer, the smallest possible resulting length of .
Sample Input
Sample Output