Geometric Sequence

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Points: 10
Time limit: 0.6s
Memory limit: 64M

Problem type

A sequence of integers is called a geometric sequence if the ratio of consecutive numbers is constant.
For example, (3,6,12,24) is a geometric sequence (each term is equal to twice the previous number).

Now, with such a sequence, we will shuffle it around and remove some of the elements.
Given the result of such a transformation, try to recover the "geometric ratio" of the original sequence.

If there are multiple values, output the one with the greatest absolute value (if there's still a tie, output the positive one).
If there is no such sequence, output 0.

Input Specification

The number of integers, 2N100000.
N lines, each with one non-zero integer x (|x|1018).

Output Specification

The ratio of the original sequence (if one exists).
The relative error of the answer must be within 109.


Sample Input


Sample Output


The original sequence could have been 1,3,9,27 or 27,9,3,1; the former has the greater ratio.


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