1494 problems solved
Rank by points: #2
Total points:
35 contests written
Rank by rating: #16
Rating: 3030
Min. rating: 1647
Max rating: 3030
From Bloor C.I., EOI, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Name: Bálint Rózsa
Codeforces: https://codeforces.com/profile/BalintR
AtCoder: https://atcoder.jp/users/BalintR
CSES: https://cses.fi/user/98177
User-script to highlight active participants of a contest and display how long they've been writing the contest for:
function calcDateDif(startDateStr) {
let difMin = ~~((Date.now() - Date.parse(startDateStr))/60000);
let difH = ~~(difMin/60);
difMin %= 60;
let difStr = ' (';
if(difH === 0) difStr += difMin === 1 ? '1 minute' : difMin + ' minutes';
else {
difStr += difH === 1 ? '1 hour' : difH + ' hours';
if(difMin !== 0) difStr += ' ' + (difMin === 1 ? '1 minute' : difMin + ' minutes');
return difStr += ')';
$('td.user-name').map((i, td) => {
const startTNode = td.querySelector(".start-time");
if(startTNode && startTNode.innerText !== 'Participation ended.'){
$(td).css('background-color', '#FFFFBF');
const startDateStr = startTNode.children[0].getAttribute('data-iso');
td.querySelector(".rating > a").innerText += calcDateDif(startDateStr);
793 submissions in the last year
Rating history
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