DWITE Online Computer Programming Contest, February 2006, Problem 4
The rules for Connect-4 are simple. The game is played on an upright seven column board. Each column has six spots. Two players play by alternately dropping a red chip or a blue chip down one of the columns. The chip drops to the lowest unoccupied spot in that column. The first player to get four chips in a row, of their colour, either vertical, horizontal, or diagonal, wins. The game ends in a stalemate if it fills before someone wins.
An empty Connect-4 board looks as follows. Columns of the board will be

The input will contain
The output will contain five lines of data. Each line will contain the
colour of the winner in uppercase, a hyphen (-
), and the total number
of chips dropped when the winner was declared.
Note: There will be a winner in each case.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample 2
Red drops a chip in column
Red drops a chip in column
Red drops a chip in column
Red drops a chip in column
Red drops a chip in column
Red drops a chip in column
Red wins!
