Hi all,
At the end of July, the PEG judge will merge into DMOJ.
DMOJ drew inspiration heavily from PEG in the beginning, and it's fair to say that DMOJ would not have begun had it not been for PEG — we're excited to carry on their legacy moving forward.
The migration FAQ can be read here. If you have any questions not covered there, feel free to let us know via the comments.
The ~700 unique PEG problems are being uploaded on an ongoing basis, and can be accessed by joining the temporary WCIPEG Migration organization. Any submissions made (and points earned!) during this time will carry forward to when the problems are merged into the main problemset, so we encourage everyone to try the problems out and let us know of issues that may come up. Once in the organization, the problems may be accessed here.
This migration is a colossal effort, so I'd like to thank the PEG admins as well as c, Bit, Ninjaclasher, Pookmeister, Kirito, wleung_bvg, xiaowuc1, Plasmatic, JoshuaL, ManchurioX, WallE256, quantum, and FatalEagle for making it happen. If you're interested in helping out, just send us a ping in Slack, or leave a comment — there's no shortage of things to do :)
August 11 Update
A quick update on the state of the migration:
- Almost all problem testdata has been migrated.
- Problem statements for 459 of 729 problems unique to PEG have been ported.
- 400K of 600K PEG submissions have been regraded. Further regrading may be necessary while we adjust time limits to be consistent with DMOJ judges.
Once we've finished processing submissions, PEG user accounts will become available to log in to. At that time, problems will be moved to the main problemset on a rolling basis.