
Problem Category Points AC % Users
HHPC1 P1 - Yielding the Longest Substring Uncategorized 5 22.9% 213
OTHS Coding Competition 1 (Mock CCC) J3 - Explosion Uncategorized 5p 35.7% 248
Mock CCC '24 Contest 1 S4 - Tommy's Lemonade Stand Mock CCC 12p 22.0% 29
Mock CCC '24 Contest 1 J3 - RGB Words Mock CCC 5p 13.3% 187
Mock CCC '24 Contest 1 S2 - Owen the Toucan Mock CCC 7p 33.1% 188
UHCC1 P5 - Binary Triangles Uncategorized 7p 30.2% 40
UHCC1 P1 - PONG! Uncategorized 3 33.7% 179
UHCC1 P4 - Manhattan Distance Uncategorized 7 19.2% 42
UHCC1 P3 - Busy Elevator Uncategorized 5 10.3% 55
UHCC1 P2 - String Uncategorized 5 46.3% 106
The Contest Contest 1 P1 - A Typical Codeforces Problem Uncategorized 5 23.6% 314
OTHS Coding Competition 1 (Mock CCC) J1 - Math Assistance Uncategorized 3 72.0% 355
CCC '24 S1 - Hat Circle CCC 3p 68.5% 494
CCC '24 S2 - Heavy-Light Composition CCC 5p 54.9% 445
CCC '24 S3 - Swipe CCC 10p 17.7% 171
CCC '24 S4 - Painting Roads CCC 12p 35.8% 162
CCC '24 S5 - Chocolate Bar Partition CCC 20p 10.3% 21
CCC '24 J1 - Conveyor Belt Sushi CCC 3p 77.6% 599
CCC '24 J2 - Dusa And The Yobis CCC 3p 61.0% 483
CCC '24 J3 - Bronze Count CCC 5p 47.3% 476
CCC '24 J4 - Troublesome Keys CCC 5p 21.9% 305
CCC '24 J5 - Harvest Waterloo CCC 7p 37.4% 344
A Plus B Uncategorized 3p 48.7% 8039
MMCC '14 P2 - Kirito Uncategorized 20p 25.9% 152
MMCC '14 P1 - Tenri Uncategorized 17p 23.1% 70
MMCC '14 P3 - Esdeath Uncategorized 15p 14.9% 204
Fibonacci Sequence Uncategorized 15p 13.0% 785
A Plus B (Hard) Uncategorized 12 10.9% 318
Imperative French Uncategorized 15 5.5% 17
Troubling Triangles Uncategorized 7 28.4% 433
Hello, World! Uncategorized 3 56.1% 12233
Mock ECOO '14 P1 - Do You Want to Build a Snowman? ECOO 12 8.5% 54
CCC '14 J1 - Triangle Times CCC 3 32.9% 7481
CCC '14 J2 - Vote Count CCC 3 44.5% 5374
CCC '14 J3 - Double Dice CCC 3 56.4% 4488
List Minimum Uncategorized 3 49.8% 3287
CCC '96 S1 - Deficient, Perfect, and Abundant CCC 5 32.3% 1894
CCC '09 J1 - ISBN CCC 3 47.3% 3694
Postfix Notation Uncategorized 7 18.9% 685
CCC '13 J1 - Next in line CCC 3 62.3% 12078
CCC '13 S1 - From 1987 to 2013 CCC 5 45.8% 3925
CCC '13 J2 - Rotating letters CCC 3 45.0% 4839
CCC '05 S5 - Pinball Ranking CCC 12p 19.5% 741
Binary Indexed Tree Test Data Structure Tests 10p 28.8% 743
CCC '14 S1 - Party Invitation CCC 5 47.1% 3527
CCC '14 S2 - Assigning Partners CCC 5 33.3% 2845
CCC '13 J4 - Time on task CCC 5 44.5% 3017
Disjoint Set Test Data Structure Tests 10 37.1% 885
Lexicographically Least Substring Uncategorized 5 46.0% 616
CCC '14 S3 - The Geneva Confection CCC 7p 26.4% 2810