COCI '20 Contest 2 #3 Euklid

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Points: 17 (partial)
Time limit: 1.0s
Memory limit: 512M

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It is rarely mentioned that Euclid's grandma was from Vrsi in Croatia. It is from there that Euclid's less known (but equally talented in his youth) cousin Edicul* comes from.

It happened one day that they were playing "invent an algorithm". Edicul writes two positive integers on the sand. Then he does the following: while neither number on the sand is 1, he marks them as (a, b) so that a \ge b. Then the numbers are erased and he writes (\lfloor \frac a b \rfloor, b) on the sand, and repeats the process. When one of the two numbers becomes 1, the other is the results of his algorithm.

Formally, if a and b are positive integers, the result R(a, b) of Edicul's algorithm is:

\displaystyle R(a, b) = \begin{cases}
R(b, a) & \text{if } a < b \\
R(\lfloor \frac a b \rfloor, b) & \text{if } a \ge b > 1 \\
a & \text{if } a \ge b = 1

Euclid thinks for a while, and says: "Edicul, I have a better idea...", and the rest is history. Unfortunately, Edicul never became famous for his idea in number theory. This sad story inspires the following problem:

Given positive integers g and h, find positive integers a and b such that their greatest common divisor is g, and the result of Edicul's algorithm R(a, b) is h.

* This sets up a pun in Croatian. The translation is a bit bland, sorry for that.


The first line contains a single integer t (1 \le t \le 40) – the number of independent test cases.

Each of the following t lines contains two positive integers g_i and h_i (h_i \ge 2).


Output t lines in total. For the i-th test case, output positive integers a_i and b_i such that \gcd(a_i, b_i) = g_i and R(a_i, b_i) = h_i.

The numbers in the output must not be larger than 10^{18}. It can be proven that for the given constraints, a solution always exists.

If there are multiple solutions for some test case, output any of them.


In all subtasks, 1 \le g \le 200\,000 and 2 \le h \le 200\,000.

Subtask Score Constraints
1 4 g=h
2 8 h=2
3 8 g=h^2
4 15 g,h \le 20
5 40 g,h \le 2\,000
6 35 No additional constraints.

Sample Input 1

1 4

Sample Output 1

99 23

Explanation for Sample Output 1

The integers 99 and 23 are coprime, i.e. their greatest common divisor is 1. We have \lfloor \frac{99}{23} \rfloor = 4, thus R(99, 23) = R(4, 23) = R(23, 4). Then \lfloor \frac{23}{4} \rfloor = 5, so R(23, 4) = R(5, 4) = R(1, 4) = R(4, 1) = 4.

Sample Input 2

3 2
5 5

Sample Output 2

9 39
5 5

Explanation for Sample Output 2

For the first test case, \gcd(9, 39) = 3 and R(9, 39) = 2.

For the second test case, \gcd(5, 5) = 5 and R(5, 5) = 5.


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