Editorial for COCI '20 Contest 2 #3 Euklid

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The first few subtasks can be solved in many ways; e.g. for h = 2, the simplest way is (a, b) = (2g, g). The fourth subtask is just calculating R(a, b) for a, b \le 1500; we can check that this covers all g, h \le 20.

For the large subtasks, the main issue is to find solutions not larger than 10^{18}.

Notice that, if the problem can be solved for the given constraints, it must have a solution where few division steps occur in executing Edicul's algorithm. More precisely, the product of the numbers on the sand is a nice monovariant, which decreases by a factor of \frac 1 b in each step. Since b \ge h up to the last step, there can be at most 5 division steps for h = 200\,000.

We can play with finitely many possibilities to find a construction similar to the following one. Let K be a positive integer such that h^K > q. Construction:

\displaystyle \begin{align*}
b &= g \left\lceil \frac{h^K}{g} \right\rceil \\
a &= hb+g

Notice that b = h^k\ + something small, such that g divides b. Also, we have b \le a \le \max(g, h)^3 \le 10^{16}.

It's easy to see \gcd(a, b) = g. Let's prove that R(a, b) = h.

We have \lfloor \frac a b \rfloor = h because g < h^K \le b. Hence, R(a, b) = R(h, b) = R(b, h) since h \le b.

However, h^{K+1} > b \ge h^K, thus R(b, h) becomes R(1, h) = h after K steps.

The time complexity is \mathcal O(1) per test case.


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