Canadian Computing Competition: 2006 Stage 1, Junior #2
Diana is playing a game with two dice. One die has sides labelled
The other die has sides labelled
Write a program to determine how many ways can she roll the dice to get the sum .
For example, when the first die has 6 sides and the second die has 8 sides, there are 5 ways to get the sum :
- 2 + 8 = 10
- 3 + 7 = 10
- 4 + 6 = 10
- 5 + 5 = 10
- 6 + 4 = 10
The input is given as two integers. First, the user will enter in the number
Second, the user will enter the number
The program prints out the number of ways may be rolled on these two dice. Note that in the output, the word
should be used if there is only one way to achieve the sum of ; otherwise, the word
should be used in the output. That is, if there is only one way to get the sum , the output should be:
There is 1 way to get the sum 10.
Sample Input 1
Sample Output 1
There are 5 ways to get the sum 10.
Sample Input 2
Sample Output 2
There are 4 ways to get the sum 10.
Make sure to remember your periods 😔.
omg i almost forgot ToT thanks mate!
If you are having issues : When there is 1 way, it is written : "There is 1 way to get the sum 10." However when there are zero ways or more than 1 way, it is written as :"There are " + ways + " ways to get the sum 10."
Just to give you guys some help. When there is 1 way, it suppose to be "There is 1 way" When there is more than 1 way, it suppose to be "There are 4 ways"
Why does my code fail when the are 0 ways?
For 0 ways you need to out put "There are 0 ways to get the sum 10."
Grammar: it's supposed to print
Does this problem involve counting 4 + 6 as the same as 6 + 4 even if the numbers are on different dice?
4 + 6 and 6 + 4 are considered to be different, as described in the problem statement. The problem in your code lies elsewhere -- consider the following test case:
The expected output is:
Watch out, if there is only one way it must be one WAY, if there are more ways, then it has to be WAYS with an s.
or if there are 0 ways, I forgot to make a value for that and was stuck for a while
I realized this after doing the code, the test cases don't account for the fact that some of the combinations are identical i.e 6 + 4 = 10 and 4 + 6 = 10!
This is intentional. In probability, they are considered 2 different outcomes. Consider that rolling a 2, with two fair six sided dice, is less likely to appear than 3 since 3 can be obtained two ways and 2 only one.
i know i messed up so much because of the grammar. :(
Did you know that 8!/2/10 = 2016? Figured that out while making an equation for the program
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Heck the grammar >:(