China NOI '16 Day 1

This is an unofficial mirror contest for the China National Olympiad in Informatics, 2016, day 1.

There will be 3 problems to solve in 4 hours, under full feedback. This contest is not rated.

This is intended as warmup for the (as-official-as-rules-allow-it) mirror of the 2022 China National Olympiad in Informatics. However, due to copyright issues, that mirror will be pay-walled. If you are interested in participating, please contact rpeng in rpeng-rants on the DMOJ Discord for details.

For pacing purposes, cutoff for the 2016-2017 Chinese Training Team (top 50) was 414/600


Problem Points AC Rate Users
NOI '16 P1 - Good Partitions 20p 10.8% 10
NOI '16 P2 - Grid 25p 7.0% 8
NOI '16 P3 - The Beauty of Cycles 30p 26.9% 3


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