posted on Feb. 17, 2015, 2:45 a.m. 6We've added an API for accessing most public data used by the DMOJ.
You can read the documentation here.
Anything you'd like added to the API, or think we've missed? Please let us know in the comments!
We've added an API for accessing most public data used by the DMOJ.
You can read the documentation here.
Anything you'd like added to the API, or think we've missed? Please let us know in the comments!
The DMOJ is proud to announce the support for a new V8 executor.
has worked hard in creating a V8 shell with the ability to perform I/O, and writing an executor to make use of it. Now it is possible to submit to most problems in JavaScript, and our editor has also been updated to include the ability report JavaScript errors. Enjoy.Update 2015-02-15: the contest has been extended to Monday, February 16th, so that those who had plans for Valentine's Day get a chance to write the contest.
Things go awry this Valentine's day when the Ice King kidnaps everyone in the land of Ooo for a wooing session! Try not to get your socks and hat and limbs blown off as you read of the recent events in the Ice Kingdom!
The Valentine's Day 2015 contest will consist of three problems of medium-level difficulty. The contest will run on February the 14th from 12:00AM to 11:59PM EST. Within this window, you will have 3 hours to write the contest.
The problem writer is
.The 2015 Canadian Computing Competition is around the corner. Users FatalEagle and Alex have prepared another mock CCC for you to test your might.
Analyses will be provided after the contest period. Good luck!
Update: Thank you to all who participated!
Below are the problems for you to solve post-contest:
New Key
Golden Lily
Sketchley Park
Aircraft Carrier Akagi
Save Nagato!
On Tuesday, February 10 at 3:30 PM EST we will be hosting the DMOPC '14 February. Anyone with a DMOJ account is welcome to participate, and anyone without one is welcome to register and participate.
University of Toronto Schools is hosting an open contest on February 11th, 2015 at 4:00PM EST.
Upd. 2015-03-25: the new comment system is in place.
Upd. 2015-02-02: over 100 comments were deleted today, bringing comment count down from 672 to 551.
Over the past few months we've had many users participate in comment threads across many problems. While we encourage a lively community, we'd also like to keep discussions focused and on-topic, which in the last few weeks has not always been the case.
A number of people have noticed the lack of an Edit option for comments. This is not a bug or oversight; it's by design. We encourage you to think about what you want to write before writing it, knowing that your comment is immutable and there to stay. In this sense, we're promoting well thought-out comments. The lack of an Edit option is not so that you can reply to your own comment with revisions or addendums! Having massive Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: chains was certainly not a design goal, and we'll be taking steps to prevent these in the future.
But we can't do so without everyone's cooperation. In the future, we ask that everyone attempt to follow a set of simple guidelines when posting.
Before posting, ask yourself:
This is not to say that jokes or witty comments are unwelcome. They're fine. If you think your comment relates to the problem and is funny for the majority of people who will read it (i.e. not an inside joke only you and your friend will understand — we're not Facebook), then by all means post ahead! If you can brighten someone's day while remaining even remotely on topic, that's great.
And these are just guidelines. If you feel really justified in posting something, use your judgement.
At this time, many problem threads are cluttered with off-topic chatter of little value.
To resolve the issue of noise comments, we'll be retroactively applying the guidelines above to threads that we feel need it. This means that we'll be both editing and deleting comments that need attention. Over the next few days, you might have some of your comments deleted. If you feel strongly about a comment that we might delete, please do not hesitate to contact us: we store comment records, and they won't disappear if your comment does.
We'll also be rolling out revision-based comment edit system sometime relatively soon. Being able to edit your comments does not mean you should not follow the simple guidelines listed above. We're adding it for the incidental case of typos and such, and your comment's edit history will be public.
Thanks, your admins:
, , and .Update: Thank you to all who participated!
If you were not able to take part (probably due to actual exams), below are the problems for you to solve post-contest:
French Homework
Physics Duel
Chemistry Homework
Exam Delay
Happy Teachers
Math Homework
The first Don Mills Open Programming Competition of 2015 will be held on Tuesday, January 13 from 3:30 to 8:30 PM.
There were initially no plans for a January Contest due to exams, which is why
came up with a contest based on exams! Therefore you may think of this as the January Contest, except that it will be 5 hours long rather than the usual 3 (the difficulty will remain similar to previous DMOPCs and it should take most participants about an hour to solve the first 3 problems).You can access the contest page here.
Back in the days students were forced to choose between studying for their school exams and participating in programming contests. No more will they have to endure such harsh conditions! With the creation of the Exam Time Contest, you can prepare for your exams as you complete the questions in this contest.
Moreover, what was supposed to be an ordinary exam week at Don Mills takes a turn for the extraordinary in the last few problems.
the contest page for more details.
has put together a 5-problem, week-long contest. Check outDo you find yourself with nothing to do even on December 25?
and have prepared a contest for this day. The contest will last for 4 days, and there are 3 problems in total.
The theme is about trees. If you like trees or want to learn more about graph theory, you should check out this contest.