165 problems solved
Rank by points: #1973
Total points:
4 contests written
Rank by rating: #2110
Rating: 1435
Min. rating: 985
Max rating: 1447
From William Lyon Mackenzie C.I., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
08/26/2022: DMOJ account created
First problem: Sounds fishy!
09/10/2022: First 5p (Who Has Seen the Wind)
10/??/2022: 100 points :D
10/19/2022: First 7p (Dodgeball)
11/22/2022: First 10p (Bananas)
11/29/2022: BLUE :))
12/05/2022: First 12p (RoboThieves)
12/08/2022: 200 points!!!
03/02/2023: First 15p (Good Triplets)
Rating history
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