105 problems solved
Rank by points: #2073
Total points:
4 contests written
Rank by rating: #2643
Rating: 1340
Min. rating: 1026
Max rating: 1340
From Oakville Trafalgar High School, WOSS Dual Olympiad 2024, Leading Aces Academy, Shanghai High School, Mahou Shoujou
orz Ivan_Li polarity molybdenum_carbide yujhtheyujh TheCelestialCube- very orz Senpai's from my school
as well as the Kohai 戴墨鏡
newbie in coding for now...hopefully not for long
First solved 12 pointer here
First 15 pointer here
Quitted YAC 9 early due to severe allergy reaction in the basement - dropped rating
君は指さす夏の大三角 覚えて空を見る
やっと見つけた織姫様 だけどどこだろう彦星様
747 submissions in the last year
Rating history
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