245 problems solved
Rank by points: #1329
Total points:
6 contests written
Rank by rating: #2202
Rating: 1413
Min. rating: 1130
Max rating: 1413
From William Lyon Mackenzie C.I., Mahou Shoujou, Olympiads School
5p implementation otp
hi subcluster
Kakarot you're kinda ok lmfao
digitalchaos lmao cringe name
siongang stop slacking gotta get back on the grind bro
hard stuck green about to drop to grey
Achievements (Ignore such emptiness ;-;)
200 Problems!: 02/17/23
-> CCC '23 S2 - Symmetric Mountains (100 of which are 5p implementations :dying:)
200 Points!: 08/07/22
-> GFSSOC '15 Fall J5 - Nightmare-a-thon (I think it was this one lol)
First 15p!: 04/14/22
-> Good Triplets
REACHED BLUE: 04/05/22
First 10p!: 03/20/22
-> When in Rome
First 7p!: 01/18/22
-> Babbling Brooks
Started Blogging: 04/14/22
(hope you get bankrupt btw)
Poggers Problems
Rating history
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