13 problems solved
Rank by points: #5243
Total points:
2 contests written
Rank by rating: #116
Rating: 2543
Min. rating: 2302
Max rating: 2543
Competitive Programming
Codeforces: c8kbf, Grandmaster
Atcoder: c8kbf, 1 Dan
Language of choice: C++
Favourite algorithm: Simulated Annealing
OI Participant in Hong Kong, Canada and China
Github: ryanzhang15
Workable languages: C, C++, Java, Python, Obj-C, Bash, Zsh, Javascript, HTML
Less familiar: MIPS, OCaml, Visual Basic
Business / Inquiries / Tutoring / Job / Want to be my friend:
Discord: c8k#1707
Email: ryanjzhang@gmail.com
Rating history
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