185 problems solved
Rank by points: #2105
Total points:
3 contests written
Rank by rating: #5697
Rating: 843
Min. rating: 843
Max rating: 878
Some Stuff That Happened
- Absolutely failed first ever CCC (2022 Junior, 43/75)
- 69th problem solved on March 24th, 2022 (my birthday)! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- 100th problem solved on April 18th, 2022
- Won 2nd in local programming competition, April 28th, 2022
- 150th problem solved on October 27th, 2022
- 20/75 2023 CCC Senior
Best Submissions to Somehow Boost Self-Esteem
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/hkccc08j2/rank/
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/hkccc15j1/rank/
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/hkccc15j2/rank/
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc00s3/rank/
- https://dmoj.ca/problem/ccc14s3/rank/
"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self." - Ernest Hemingway
Rating history
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