177 problems solved
Rank by points: #1934
Total points:
1 contest written
Rank by rating: #1821
Rating: 1521
Min. rating: 1521
Max rating: 1521
From William Lyon Mackenzie C.I., TTMath School
My DMOJ timeline:
- 2020/04/10: First problem: The Cell Sell (later rejudged and received WA rip) (3p).
- 2020/04/17: First 5-point problem: Anagram Checker.
- No coding for 2 years???
- 2022/08/07: First 7-point problem: The Geneva Confection.
- 2022/11/06: First 10-point problem: Bananas.
- 2022/11/22: First contest. Now blue.
- 2022/11/30: First 12-point problem: DP Contest - Candies.
Rating history
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