TLE '17 Contest 6 P4 - Willson and Travelling

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Points: 15 (partial)
Time limit: 2.0s
Python 8.0s
Memory limit: 640M

Problem type
Willson flying around a city while making his presence known.

Willson the Canada Goose is like any other Canada Goose - he likes to fly around and practice honking.

Today, he will be flying around a city containing N buildings. Each building is a rectangle with a side parallel to the x axis. The lower left corner of the ith building is at (pi,qi), and the upper right corner is at (ri,si). A building can overlap with another building. It is possible for a building to be completely contained within another building. Also, it is possible that two different buildings represent the same rectangle.

However, corners are dangerous for Willson to fly into - much more dangerous than walls. A corner is an integer coordinate where exactly 1 of the 4 adjacent squares is contained within a building. The other 3 adjacent squares are not contained within a building.

Could you tell Willson the number of corners that he needs to look out for?




SubtaskPointsNCoordinate limits
130N=2All coordinates satisfy 1c2000.
2201N30000All coordinates satisfy 1c2000.
3301N30000All coordinates satisfy 1c60000.
4201N200000All coordinates satisfy 1c500000.

Note: Python users are recommended to submit with PyPy. Also, Python users are recommended to optimize their memory usage.

Input Specification

The first line of input will contain a single integer, N.

N lines of input follow. The ith line will contain four integers pi qi ri si. The lower left corner of the ith building is at (pi,qi), and the upper right corner is at (ri,si).

Output Specification

Output the number of corners that are formed by the buildings.

Sample Input

1 1 2 2
1 2 2 3
2 2 3 3
6 1 7 4
5 2 8 3
6 2 7 3

Sample Output


Explanation for Sample Output

In the following diagram, the buildings are shown in red and the corners are shown in the black circles.


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