A Floyd-Warshall Problem

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Points: 15
Time limit: 4.5s
Memory limit: 1G

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Here is an incorrect implementation of Floyd-Warshall.

floyd_warshall(dist, n):
  # Assume dist[i][j] is positive infinity if there is no edge between them
  for i ranging from 1 to n:
    for j ranging from 1 to n:
      for k ranging from 1 to n:
        dist[i][j] = min(dist[i][j], dist[i][k] + dist[k][j])

Here is an attempt at patching it.

floyd_warshall_patch1(dist, n, k):
  # dist[i][i] is zero
  # dist[i][j] is otherwise the weighted of the directed edge from i to j if it exists
  # dist[i][j] is otherwise positive infinity
  for i ranging from 1 to k:
    floyd_warshall(dist, n)

Here is another attempt at patching it.

floyd_warshall_patch2(dist, n)
  # dist[i][i] is zero
  # dist[i][j] is otherwise the weighted of the directed edge from i to j if it exists
  # dist[i][j] is otherwise positive infinity
  for i ranging from 1 to n:
    for j ranging from 1 to n:
      for k ranging from 1 to n:
        dist[j][k] = min(dist[j][k], dist[j][i] + dist[i][k])

Your job is to construct a directed graph with N vertices and M edges such that, given a parameter K, the output of floyd_warshall_patch1 when given K matches the output of floyd_warshall_patch2 on the given graph, but the output of floyd_warshall_patch1 when given K-1 does not.

Input Specification

The first line contains three space-separated integers, N, M, and K.

You may assume 2 \le N \le 100, N-1 \le M \le N^2 - N, and 1 \le K \le 3.

Output Specification

If no such directed graph exists, output NO on a single line.

Otherwise, output M+1 lines. The first line must be YES.

Each line after that should contain three space-separated positive integers. The first two, A and B, should indicate the presence of a directed edge going from A to B. Only one such edge may exist in your graph. Furthermore, A \neq B and 1 \le A, B \le N. The third integer is the weight of your edge. The weight must be a positive integer not exceeding 10^9.

Note: Depending on how easy this original task is, additional constraints may be added.

Sample Input 1

2 1 1

Sample Output 1



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