Veshy is taking a class in linear algebra! He comes across a problem about the rotations of points with respect to the origin. However, he deems this too trivial so he comes up with the following problem instead:
Veshy chooses two points located at integer coordinates,
and , on the 2D plane. There is initially a token at . Veshy also has a sequence of points, all located at integer coordinates, on this plane, . One operation is defined as choosing some index and rotating the token by an arbitrary angle around . However, if Veshy previously performed an operation on index , he is only allowed to perform an operation on index if . Determine if it's possible to move the token from to , and if so, the minimum number of operations required.
In all subtasks,
The absolute value of all coordinates will be less than or equal to
Subtask 1 [5%]
Subtask 2 [10%]
Subtask 3 [25%]
Subtask 4 [60%]
No additional constraints.
Input Specification
The first line contains one integer,
The second line contains two space-separated integers,
The third line contains two space-separated integers,
The next
Output Specification
Output one line containing one integer, the minimum number of operations if it's possible and -1
Sample Input
0 0
4 0
1 0
2 3
3 0
Sample Output
Explanation for Sample Output
One sequence of operations would be to rotate the token
Another sequence would be rotating the token