Editorial for COCI '20 Contest 1 #3 3D Histogram

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We will solve the problem in complexity O(nlog2n).

Let f(i,j)=min(ai,,aj) and g(i,j)=min(bi,,bj).

We want to find the interval [i,j] which maximises f(i,j)×g(i,j)×(ji+1). Solution is based on divide-and-conquer approach: function solve(lo,hi) will find the best interval contained in [lo,hi] that includes the point mid. It will recursively call solve(lo,mid1) and solve(mid+1,hi).

Let [l,r] be an interval such that l[lo,mid] and r[mid,hi]. We consider four cases:

  1. f(l,r) and g(l,r) are determined by the left half, i.e. f(l,r)=f(l,mid) and g(l,r)=g(l,mid).
  2. f(l,r) and g(l,r) are determined by the right half, i.e. f(l,r)=f(mid,r) and g(l,r)=g(mid,r).
  3. f(l,r) is determined by the left, and g(l,r) by the right half.
  4. f(l,r) is determined by the right, and g(l,r) by the left half.

First and second cases are analogous, and so are third and fourth, so we will describe the solution for the first and the third case.

Case 1: f(l,r) and g(l,r) are determined by the left half.

Note that this implies f(mid,r)f(l,mid) and g(mid,r)g(l,mid).

This case can easily be solved using the two pointers method in complexity O(hilo), i.e. O(nlogn) in total.

Case 3: f(l,r) is determined by the left, and g(l,r) by the right half.

Note that this implies f(mid,r)f(l,mid) and g(mid,r)g(l,mid).

This case is much more complex, and it can also be solved in O(nlog2n) total complexity. We will first describe an O(nlog3n) solution, and then optimise it.

For some l, let's denote the interval of possible r's by [a(l),b(l)]. Borders a(l) and b(l) can again be found using the two pointers method.

We have


where (a,b),(c,d) represents the dot product of vectors (a,b) and (c,d). Note that the first vector (f(l,mid)×(l+1),f(l,mid)) depends only on l, and the second vector (g(mid,r),g(mid,r)×r) depends only on r.

For a fixed l, we want to find the r[a(l),b(r)] that maximises the dot product. If r was not limited to that interval, we could calculate the convex hull of the set of second points, and use ternary search to find the optimal r for each l. But now, we can sort the points by (for example) the first coordinate and build a segment tree that has the convex hull of the corresponding points in each node. So, for each l we will look at O(logn) nodes in the segment tree, and do a ternary search on the hull in each node in O(logn) complexity. This gives us the total complexity of O(nlog3n), because we also need to count in the divide-and-conquer.

Now we want to get rid of the binary search. Notice that points f(l,mid)×(l+1,1) move counterclockwise as l increases, and so the optimal point on the hull will also move counterclockwise! For each node in the segment tree, we can answer its queries in amortised linear complexity, by keeping a pointer to the optimal point for the last query. This gives us a total complexity of O(nlog2n).


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