NOIP '18 Day 1 Unofficial Mirror

This is an unofficial mirror of Day 1 of the 2018 Chinese National Olympiad in Informatics Provincial Round (NOIP , approximately equivalent to CCC Stage 1).

There are 3 problems, each worth 100 points, for 3 hours (actual NOIP is 3.5 hours, but without feedback). Difficulties of problems are about CCC S3 - S5.

Unlike the NOI21 fiasco, the scoreboard WILL be published at the end of the 1-week window.

This contest will not be rated. Additionally, results may be used by rpeng for as of yet undetermined purposes, so seal-clubbing by CF LGMs or higher will be highly frowned upon.


Problem Points AC Rate Users
NOIP '18 P1 - Paving Roads 7p 51.4% 205
NOIP '18 P2 - Currency System 10p 43.6% 119
NOIP '18 P3 - Constructing Tracks 17p 18.6% 42


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